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Researcher at the Gonda Brain Science Center and lecturer at the Psychology Department at Bar-Ilan University

Prof. Eva Gilboa-Schechtman


    Prof. Eva Gilboa-Schechtman is a leading investigator and therapist specializing in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). She focuses on the effects of CBT on anxiety disorders, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Prof. Gilboa-Schechtman has published more than 140 papers cited in more than 10,000 articles and books in Israel and around the world.

    Prof. Gilboa-Schechtman's research is based on a layered approach to analyzing phenomenological, linguistic, cognitive, behavioral, and biological indexes in response to processes that occur during therapy sessions. In addition, Prof. Gilboa-Schechtman investigates mechanisms and tools that can improve psychotherapy and develops new treatment methods based on empirical findings.

    Prof. Gilboa-Schechtman heads the Emotional Processing Laboratory at the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Science Center, which investigates a variety of aspects that influence the etiological and preservative elements of anxiety and depression disorders. In recent years, her laboratory has been investigating various topics such as how people process facial expressions, how people respond to ostracism and rejection, how people form their impressions of strangers, and even how they evaluate themselves – based on subjective indexes, response times, and memory tests.

    The laboratory utilizes the resources of the community research clinic of the Department of Psychology, which is equipped with multi-layered documentation equipment and sophisticated data processing systems.

    Prof. Gilboa Schechtman holds a BSc degree in computer sciences from the Technion and an MA degree and a PhD degree from Northwestern University. Since 1998, Prof. Gilboa Schechtman has been a lecturer at the Bar-Ilan University Department of Psychology.

    These days, in addition to managing her laboratory, Prof. Gilboa Schechtman administers practicum courses in psychology for MA students as well as CBT courses and also treats patients at her private clinic

    More Info

    1998 – Fellow of the International Society of Research on Emotions

    1999-2001 – Research grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

    1999-2001 – Grant from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)

    1999-2002 – Grant from the Gertner Institute of Public Health

    1999-2002 – Research grant from the German-Israeli Foundation (GIF)

    2002-2005 – Research grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

    2004-2007 – Research grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

    2007-2008 – Research grant from the Israel Trauma Coalition

    2010 – Fellow American Psychological Science

    2010-2014 – Research grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

    2014-2018 – Research grant from the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)

    2015-2020 – Research grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

    2022-2027 – Research grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

    Last Updated Date : 27/01/2024