Biomedical engineering

דימוי של זכר על רקע בוהק

Biomedical engineering is a research field that combines the worlds of science, engineering and medicine to develop new technologies that can improve human health and quality of life. 

Biomedical engineering involves in-depth research of the human body. Researchers in this field analyze complex biological mechanisms, seek to understand the molecular and genetic processes that affect bodily function, and study the effects of various diseases on bodily systems. 

Additionally, the field focuses on developing advanced technologies for research and improving medical treatment. For example: 

Medical imaging devices: Technologies like MRI, PET and ultrasound allow doctors to see detailed images of the inside of the body, diagnose diseases and plan accurate treatments. 

Implants and development of biological materials: Development of advanced materials for implants, to replace damaged tissues in the body or to encourage the body's own repair processes. 

Surgical robots: These robots enable the performance of complex surgeries with great precision and minimal invasiveness, reducing the risk of complications and improving recovery time. 

Medical monitoring systems: Devices that monitor the body in real-time and provide vital information about the functioning of various systems, enabling personalized treatment and management of chronic diseases. 

Development of research models: Technologies like “organ-on-a-chip” and organoids allow researchers to mimic the function of human organs and tissues in a controlled lab environment. These models provide powerful tools for research and drug development, reducing the need for animal testing.

Last Updated Date : 03/08/2024