Prof. Cyrille Cohen Appointed as a Member of the Academic Board of the Israel Science Foundation
Prof. Cyrille Cohen from the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences was appointed as a member of the academic board of the Israel Science Foundation, where he will serve as head of the field of life sciences and medicine.
Prof. Cohen is a prominent researcher in the field of immunology and cancer. His laboratory deals with the engineering of the immune response against cancer, through the introduction of specific genes into lymphocytes (T-CAR). His research has yielded publications in the world's leading journals and led to clinical trials in patients with myeloma cancer and amyloidosis AL with particularly high success rates.
The Israel Science Foundation is the main organization supporting basic research in Israel. The foundation's research grants are given on a competitive basis, based on scientific excellence parameters, in a variety of fields of knowledge - exact sciences and technology, life sciences and medicine, humanities and social sciences.
Last Updated Date : 01/08/2023