Development of an Antiviral Coating that Prevents Coronavirus Spread

A collaboration between Prof. Shlomo Margel's group from the Department of Chemistry at Bar-Ilan University and researchers from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem resulted in the development of an antiviral coating against coronaviruses. Human coronavirus, which caused a pandemic, claiming the lives of millions of people around the world, can survive on various surfaces for several days and therefore has the potential to be transmitted through surfaces. Prof. Margel and his colleagues developed a coating with a controlled release of thymol, a substance derived from essential oils, and chlorine. Due to the release of these substances, there was a steep decrease in the ability of the CCV, a member of the coronavirus family, to survive on the coated surface. The coating developed will provide protection against the spread of coronaviruses, and perhaps even other pathogenic viruses, through surfaces.


Last Updated Date : 12/06/2023