Pyk2-PRR2: A Milestone in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Collaboration between the groups headed by Dr. Hava Gil-Henn from the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine and Prof. Jordan Chill from the Department of Chemistry at Bar-Ilan University led to the development of a peptide called Pyk2-PRR2. This peptide has the potential to be an anti-cancer drug preventing metastases in breast cancer. The researchers demonstrated that Pyk2-PRR2 administration impairs the cancer cells' ability to form cellular extensions, called invadopodia, which allow cells to metastasize to different organs. 90% of breast cancer deaths are due to the spread of metastases to other parts of the body, while currently available treatments are aimed at the primary tumor and preventing disease recurrence. In light of this, understanding the mechanisms by which Pyk2-PRR2 inhibits the spread of metastases and optimizing the peptide could lead to the development of new strategies to prevent the spread of primary breast tumors, representing a significant breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer.


Last Updated Date : 16/02/2023