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Senior Lecturer

Dr. Moran Yadid


    Dr. Moran Yadid received her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the Technion and her postdoc from Harvard SEAS. She heads the Regenerative Bioengineering Lab.

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     Fields of Interest

    Bioengineering, Regenerative Medicine, Human Organs-on-chips, Extracellular vesicles, Cardiovascular physiology and disease, Cellular stress.

    In our lab we use organs-on-chips, which are advanced in vitro models based on human cells, to study organ-organ interactions in health and disease.

    We use tissue engineering and stem cells technology to build the components of the cardiovascular system, allowing us to study the roles of the endothelium in regulating tissues function under various conditions.

    We study extracellular vesicles (EVs) and how they modulate cells and tissues' response to stress (e.g. Ischemia and reperfusion injury), with the goal of developing novel bio-inspired therapeutics.

    Our lab is multidisciplinary and we employ engineering, biology and material sciences to study human physiology.and to develop new approaches for regenerative medicine.


    The ongoing projects in the lab are diverse and include studies of how the vascular endothelium regulates tissue homeostasis via extracellular vesicles in normal physiology, and how these mechanisms are modulated in disease state like diabetes, aging and obesity.

    We develop muscle-on-chip and Heart-on-chip models of degenerative muscle disease and myopathies.

    And we engage in large scale tissue engineering projects to produce muscular tissue grafts and substitutes.

    Last Updated Date : 11/03/2024